The Stephan Center is an educational services organization dedicated to those journeying through life transitions.
We are committed to providing educational programs, information, and resources to professionals and lay persons as they offer support and understanding to those seeking peace and acceptance in their lives.

If you need help right now dial 2-1-1 from any cell or land-line phone for immediate Health and Human Service assistance in the county in which you call. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with ‘live’ Resource Specialists to assist you. Learn more about Life losses and transitions for children, teens and adults.
Support Us Today!
Donate today and support our commitment to providing information, education and resources on life transitions to all!

Walking a New Path
Join us on our next series in Walking A New Path: After Your Spouse Dies.

Healing Through Art
Appropriate for youth in Foster care, out of home place or experiencing loss through death, illness, homelessness, parental deployment, incarceration, deportment, divorce or other loss/trauma.
Live Theatre
The Stephens Center invites children and their resource parents to attend a live and FREE production.

Our Classes / Programs
FREE Classes for Foster Parents
UPDATED! View our latest list of FREE classes for Foster/Resource parents, Kinship Caregivers and Grandparents. Classes begin November 2023 to June 2024.
CAIRS Webinar – Creating Trauma-Informed Environments for 211 Clients and Staff
Presented on October 20, 2021 by Victoria Stephan, Director, The Stephan Center

Fathers Speaking Out Videos
Fathers Speaking Out is a six (6) video series created with men who are fathering. Three (3) videos are offered in Spanish and three (3) are offered in English. Each session provides both a facilitated video and group discussion around a topic impacting men and the children in their lives. Each session is 90 minutes in lengthen and includes guided discussion questions. Videos are designed to be facilitated by any professional trained in group interactive programs.
View Online at onlineclasses.thestephancenter.org or purchase directly through us.

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Donate today and support our commitment to providing information, education and resources on life transitions to all!