Fathers Speaking Out is a six (6) video series created with men who are fathering. Three (3) videos are offered in Spanish and three (3) are offered in English. Each session provides both a facilitated video and group discussion around a topic impacting men and the children in their lives. Each session is 90 minutes in lengthen and includes guided discussion questions. Videos are designed to be facilitated by any professional trained in group interactive programs.

English Videos:
- Teaching Values to Children
- Fathering from a Woman’s Perspective
- Discipline vs Punishment

Spanish Videos:
- Ensenandose Valores Morales a Sus Hijos
- Jugando Con Sus Hijos
- La Salud y la Familia

Purchasing Information:
Please contact us directly for bulk discounts.
Purchase includes the DVD and Facilitator’s Guide.
Phone us at: 951-340-1075
E-mail us at : thestephancenter@juno.com
These videos are ideal for all Foster Fathers, Biological Fathers, Mentors, Coaches, Youth Leaders, and anyone else involved in the parenting of children.
Father Speaking Out Videos are also NOW AVAILABLE at Foster-training.com