Healing from a Crisis

Ultimately each crisis and the accompanying trauma it creates comes to some type of resolution or end.
But the impact of the crisis and the trauma experienced will continue for a long time afterwards, for months and even years. What we do after the crisis individually and together will determine the
long- term effects of the crisis and traumatic impact.

Trying to return to “normal” without any planning or support will not allow us to be effective in healing and adapting to the long- term changes from the crisis and trauma we experienced.
We need to be pro-active in our healing and in the healing of our family and community.
We suggest:

  • Access the impact of the crisis and trauma on yourself and your family physically, emotionally, financially and spiritually. Talk about your feelings, fears, needs and wants.
  • Seek out support and assistance for each area of impact and concern. Find counselors and/or
    Faith Leaders to talk with, look for financial support options, re-connect with family and friends for comfort and companionship, find new ways and places to obtain what you need.
  • Re-establish family routines, schedules and traditions even if the environments and activities need to be modified.
  • Make well-defined plans with short steps and goals for each challenge. This provides you with a “Road map” to give you direction and helps you become in control again
  • Include fun activities and interactions everyday with family and friends. This provide balance with the challenges and increases positive outlooks and attitudes.
  • Find new ways to do “old” things so you can develop a “new normal” that still meets your needs and brings joy to your life.
  • Explore new options and consider making dreams into goals by developing new educational
    and career paths.. take classes in a different field, develop your talents, seek jobs in new industries.

When we tackle obstacles, we find hidden reserves of courage and resilience we did not know we had.                                                                                                                     A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

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