Equity, Independence and Loss

Throughout the world, in every country and culture, people struggle with the desire for equity, independence and freedom. It is an inherent human drive to be in control of our lives, our decisions, our activities. It is also a human necessity to work cooperatively with others in building families, communities and nations. While these are all  natural, human needs  the implementation of these individual needs are often impacted by conflict. The desire to impose our individual needs on to others through control and power, whether between individuals, communities or nations, hinders the equity and independence of all creating individual and communal  loss.

The grief we experience from those losses as individuals, families, communities and nations drives our actions and behavior. The losses become a permanent part of who we are and shapes how we interact with others. Loss comes through many different experiences and situations based on our own and other’s actions and priorities. Whether the loss stems for bias due to race, faith, skin tone, lifestyle or from natural causes beyond anyone’s control the results are similar; pain, disconnection, anger, sadness.

The impact of equity, independence and loss is under the control of all of us. Some are called to address these issues through leadership roles in organizations, government and faith institutions on a  large scale with wide impact for positive or negative outcomes. All of us are called to address these issues daily in our own lives; in our homes, work environments, communities, House of Worship and individual relationships.  We are all  responsible to promote equity and independence for ourselves and others
and to mitigate loss. We can all provide the following, individually and communally.

  • Acknowledge your own losses and seek support in resolving the pain you have experienced.
  • Be aware of your own bias and work to treat all people with respect, dignity and understanding.
  • Model respect and acceptance of all people regardless of background, beliefs and choices.
  • Teach your children kindness, respect and acceptance of others.
  • Stand up for the rights of others and offer to assist them in securing equity and independence. 
  • Work cooperatively with others to improve situations for all in your home, work environment, community and nation.

“Remember: It’s not your fault that things are the way they are, but it is your responsibility to do something about them.”
Elena Aguilar, Coaching for Equity: Conversations That Change Practice

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