We are often appalled at the callus approach and treatment of human beings throughout the world which we can see daily on a variety of technological devices. We see children going to bed hungry, in some places, actually, starving to death.
We see the destruction of war impacting family members, homes, businesses and children’s schools. We become worried when we see the visible signs of desperate families seeking asylum for a better life leaving everything and everyone they know and love to find safety and security. We wonder why this is happening and often feel helpless to do anything to change the situation.
Yet we can change the situations one person and one encounter at a time. In fact, if we do not take action where we are and in any way we can this wave of destruction will not end. But how do I do that you may ask? We suggest through being kind, serving others and teach those two acts to the children in your lives.
How do we spread kindness and service in our part of the world?
First, we must decide to actively do so. Then we need to become aware of the needs around us and take action!
- Start in your home and family. Do family members need assistance with tasks, a listening ear, a caring heart? Can you call or write to someone today? Can you offer your time? Can you be of service? Can you reach out to make amends and sooth hurt feelings? Can you bring a smile?
- Look around your Community. Are there service projects in which you may participate? Can you provide food gift cards to individuals or families through an organization or Church? Can you
volunteer at a non-profit organization? Can you use your skills and talents to assist others?
- Learn about state-wide needs and activities. Can you identify a need that needs a bigger “Fix” through advocacy? Can you educate others on an issue that is mis-understood? Can you speak up when destructive ideas and acts are being promoted? Can you offer a kinder or service orientated alternative?
- Share resources with world-wide organizations and venues. Remember we all have three sources of revenue; time, talents and treasures. Even if we cannot go to another country we can find a way to provide services to those who do. Join with others in your community to support
global efforts to provide for the people, animals and the planet itself.
Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” – Desmond Tutu
Cultivating Kindness and Service for PDF