It is January of a new year, 2021. In most years it is traditional to define a few resolutions we wish to accomplish, which are usually abandoned by Valentine Day!
But what about this year?
2020 was the most unusual year that most of us can remember when the pandemic completely turned our lives upside down and created an avalanche of other issues and challenges. Can we take the most important lessons we learned in 2020 and make them resolutions for 2021 that we will actually maintain? We believe that we can and offer these lessons for permanent incorporation in our lives, families, communities, countries and the world.
1. Being kinder and more accepting toward each other: We have learned during the pandemic the importance of being kind to one another, accepting each other and offering support and assistance. Let’s make being kind and accepting a regular part of our daily interactions
2. Appreciating family and friends: It is normal to become irritable with family members and friends over little and big things. In this pandemic, when we can not see each other in person, we realize that those little and big irritations are not as important as we thought. Let’s try harder to resolve differences and maintain the love and affection that are the true basis of our relationships.
3. Showing gratitude to those who provide important services: The pandemic has helped all of us realize how important not only medical professionals and first responders are in our lives but also those in retail, farming, transportation, hospitality. Let’s continue to be appreciative of all those who make our lives safe and pleasant.
4. Offering comfort to those experiencing loss and grief: The pandemic has taken a major toll on lives and families across the world. We have all become more aware that families experience loss and grief every day. Let’s continue to be sensitive to the loss experienced by others and offer consolation and support on a regular basis.
5. Finding joy and pleasure in simple activities: We have learned to enjoy simpler activities; family board games, walks and hikes, cooking together, “ZOOM” visits, learning new skills and hobbies, listening to favorite music, reading. Let’s continue to include these activities on a daily basis to enhance our lives and interactions with family and friends building special traditions and memories.
We have the ability to create the world in which we want to live, let’s begin now!